Featured Event

First Ever Game of the Brand New Sport of Airtoboal!

Event Cancelled

Not enough people

Apr 27 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (CDT)  •  Airtoboal •  Public Event
Event Organizer
Kenyon Weber
Event Host
All Skill Levels
Apr 27 12:00 PM

Well here it is: the first ever game of the brand new sport of Airtoboal. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible and just give you the facts you need, but I can sometimes get long winded in writing, but this event is totally FREE to any of athlete who signs up in any of the just 25 spots available:


In short the game involves getting a ball about 5-7 inches in diameter into a litteral bowl, and the bowl is smooth and round enough to be kicked around the field like a soccer ball. The ball must stay in the air (except in rare circumstances), the bowl must stay on the ground. It involves some similarities of well known sports, this is how I would compare it:

⚽️Soccer with a bowl,
🏀basketball a little lower,
🏒hockey on grass,
🏐volleyball on a full field,
🏃🏿‍♂️track with a ball,
🏉rugby with more variety
🥍lacrosse without sticks and with more pace,
🥣tag with props,
🏈football except more action and less danger,
♟️chess, checkers, monoply, and risk board game in sport form.

Note: It is not just a combination of all those games, it has similarities to all those well known games. It is it's own unique sport though!

This helps so you get an idea for now. If you enjoy or play soccer you should be good at this sport! The day of the game I'll go over the rules with everyone who shows up and then we can do the inaugural game. It will be trial and error and there are a few different versions of the game that I want to try out to see what is the best one to bring out to the public. So there may be a lot of stoppages, but the goal is to be able to refine the rules of the game as we go to get the best possible version. I am definitely open to any and all suggestions and feedback from others as we try it all out. I definitely want to see this sport succeed and I'll take all advise and etc.


Ok so what to bring: Really nothing other than dress in athletic gear like a t-shirt and sweat pants. Cleats or sneakers are ok, we will be playing on grass. I will try to have bottles of available for everyone but even so you should bring your own water as well since this game involves a lot of physical activity. That is really all that is needed from each player as I will bring the rest of things that are needed.

⏰️ Please be there right at 12 at the latest or before since we will begin the rules explanation right at 12:00.

🌧 It should he a nice day, but we will play either way, so expect that there will be no cancelation!


I am not responsible legally or financially for any injuries of any kind that may happen in this or any other future games of Airtoboal. You assume the risk when you play. This is not a dangerous sport full of contact and I do not believe anyone will be injured however just like any sport it can lead to injury since it is a physical sport. I am also not responsible legally or financially for any damage or loss of property. Please everyone respect everyone else's things!


Lastly I will be attempting to film at least some parts of the game and take pictures, since I want to be able to promote the sport for mass adoption. I would also like to have anyone who is willing to share thier opinions and thoughts on the game afterwards. If this all works out the goal is to have a league and play regular weekly games, and hopefully we can all build and grow the sport together!

That is all for now. Thank you so much for being willing to join, I can't wait to meet all of you! You won't regret it and I'm ready to get this started!

‼️ Please click to join as one of only 25 free spots available!

Please be aware that payments are not refundable.

801 North Chicago Street

801 N Chicago St, Elwood, IL 60421, USA